What Is Kahoot?
The concept of technology in education has now become inevitable for teachers who want to capture today's students.Classical exams, oral exams are not the most desirable exams for students, we all know it. When we make our courses richer and more enjoyable, it becomes real, memorable for the students.
Kahoot is a platform that is very simple to implement and prepare. A tool in the classroom with the help of a code with the students of the exams they prepare by entering the questions and answers of the teachers.
First thing you need to do is:
1-To enter the system and become a member get.kahoot.com
2-After selecting your role as I'm a teacher on your screen, enter your username, mail, password and click on ' CREATE ACCOUNT '.
​3- In this step, we can use the application to prepare quiz, discussion and questionnaire. Select Quiz and proceed to the next step
​4-We're writing the question to the opposite line. If we want to add video or visual, we can do it in select File. Then at the bottom, typing the four options and the correct answer to which will be stylish incorrect under the style of the option to click on the correct.
So why is it so fun for students, your kahoot?
They take the test with their chosen names, and they like it.